I've also posted this inthe newsgroups. I hope this is not considered needless cross-posting, as I think I'll reach a different audience on the forums. And I could really use some pointers.
Hey y'all,
I'm trying to create my first OD background, and of course I have to
jump right in and also include a foreground. Other than that I'm trying
to keep it simple, but have run into a problem I can't seem to tweak away.
First, I am confused as to the purpose and use of the
BackgroundBorderLeft, BackgroundBorderRight, etc. tags. I find the
description in the SkinngTheDock.txt file just a bit too cryptic. Could
someone explain to me in a bit more detail how these work together with
the LeftWidth, RightWidth, etc. tags?
Before I forget, please view this annotated screenshot:
My two problems essentially are:
1> Overlapping of the Left and Right background images on smaller docks
- I have seen this with many downloaded backgrounds. One that displays
it that I believe everyone has is the Industech background. Try this
BG with a small icon size basic dock with less than six items, you
should get an idea of what I mean (if you don't want to check the
screenie). One of the sides appears to be stretching for a number of
pixels beyond what is needed to meet the other side.
2> The content, members, icons, docklets, whatever that populate my
docks are drawing too close to the left or right edge. I seem to get
approximately 20 pixels of background before icons are drawn, no matter
how I futz with the LeftWidth / BackgroundBorderLeft, etc. tags. This
bugs me not only because it would improve the effect of the dock that I
am trying to create, but also because I've seen it done successfully.
For example, the Apollo BG draws nice endcaps then several pixels of the
base BG before content. I cannot figure out how this is done.
Thanks in advance for help - I need it!